Debunking Debulking Prostate Removal

by David Y. Josephson, MD, FACS Cytoreductive surgery or the removal of the primary organ in the setting of metastatic disease is a debulking type of treatment that is used to enhance the effectiveness of systemic therapies. It has been shown to have favorable impact on survival and the use of systemic therapies in ovarian, [...]

Debunking Debulking Prostate Removal2018-02-14T20:22:34+00:00

What to Do if You Just Got Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer

by Dudley S. Danoff, MD, FACS INTRODUCTION: Prostate cancer is one of the most serious health problems in the United States today. It has touched almost everyone by involving either a family member or a friend. Approximately 240,000 new cases of prostate cancer will be diagnosed in the United States this year. It is the most [...]

What to Do if You Just Got Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer2018-02-14T20:22:35+00:00

What You Eat Can Improve Your Sex Life—and Your Health

by Dudley S. Danoff, MD, FACS It has long been a truism that you are what you eat. Just as poor food choices can negatively impact your sex life and your health, making some simple changes to your diet can significantly improve these areas of your life. A diet low in saturated fat and high [...]

What You Eat Can Improve Your Sex Life—and Your Health2018-02-14T20:22:35+00:00

How To Protect Yourself From Prostate Cancer

If you are male and over the age of 40, I recommend that you get an annual PSA test and a digital rectal exam. If either test is abnormal, consult your urologist immediately. Further testing and evaluation will be required and might include the following: Prostate biopsy CT scan MRI Bone scan The full article [...]

How To Protect Yourself From Prostate Cancer2018-02-14T20:22:35+00:00

Considering Testosterone Replacement? Here’s the Facts

A recent study published in the medical journal JAMA Internal Medicine notes that prescriptions given to men age 40 and older for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) increased by 300% between the years 2001 and 2011. Full Article

Considering Testosterone Replacement? Here’s the Facts2018-02-14T20:22:35+00:00

Reduce Fat and Reduce Your Cancer Risk – Men

Dudley S. Danoff, MD, FACS Take note if you are on a traditional, high fat Western diet.  A recent report in Cancer Prevention Research showed that shifting your diet to low-fat and high omega-3 fatty acids can result in slower cancer cell growth rate in prostate tissue. Read what else Dr. Danoff had [...]

Reduce Fat and Reduce Your Cancer Risk – Men2018-02-14T20:22:35+00:00

Four Reasons You Should Have a PSA (Prostate Cancer Screening Blood Test)

Dr. Dudley Danoff of Tower Urology in Los Angeles explains the four reasons you should have a PSA test for screening Prostate Cancer.  Dr. Danoff's response is to the recent US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation that healthy men should no longer receive the PSA test. The rationale of the Task Force is that the [...]

Four Reasons You Should Have a PSA (Prostate Cancer Screening Blood Test)2018-02-14T20:22:35+00:00

Dr. Dudley Danoff on WJCU Radio

Dr. Dudley Danoff of Tower Urology in Los Angeles visits WJCU Radio to discuss his book Penis Power, prostate health, testosterone replacement therapy and erectile dysfunction. Listen to the entire show...

Dr. Dudley Danoff on WJCU Radio2018-02-14T20:22:36+00:00

Vasectomy and Prostate Cancer link

by David Y. Josephson, MD, FACS A vasectomy is a safe and highly effective method for contraception. There are nearly 500,000 men who undergo vasectomies annually in the United States. This procedure can be performed safely with minimal morbidity in an office setting with just a local anesthetic or under light sedation for select patients who [...]

Vasectomy and Prostate Cancer link2018-02-14T20:22:37+00:00

Active Trials – Prostate Cancer

STAR Trial- open for enrollment A multicenter clinical study of the SonablateR 450 for the treatment of locally recurrent prostate cancer with HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) Inclusion Criteria: Organ confined recurrent prostate cancer been treated with radiotherapy 2 or more years ago Negative bone scan within 6 months prior to enrollment, to rule out [...]

Active Trials – Prostate Cancer2014-06-06T10:00:57+00:00
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