Clinical Trials
Clinical Trials Enrolling Studies 2020
Prevail Trial
Do you or someone you care about have locally advanced/Unresectable or Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma? If so, consider taking part in the Prevail Study. The Prevail Study is an observational study of patients with advanced Urothelial Carcinoma (UC).
TD-001 Trial
Have a diagnosis of low-grade, papillary-appearing bladder tumor stage Ta? You may meet the criteria if you have a small solitary papillary tumor. If you have 2-5 tumors you should be a surgical candidate for a TURBT. Each participant will receive six doses of the investigational product. The purpose of this study is to look at an investigational treatment, TSD-001(Paclitaxel) for Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer. Intravesical Paclitaxel may provide a more effective method to reduce bladder cancer recurrence and progression.
Looking for an alternative to Cystectomy?
If your bladder cancer persisted or returned following BCG treatment, ask about our clinical research study. The study will evaluate whether the investigational drug is safe and effective for patients with bladder cancer that has not yet spread to the bladder muscle and who have previously received BCG treatment. If your cancer returned or continued to grow despite treatment with BCG, then cystectomy may be one of the options considered next. Our clinical study may be another option. Current CIS of the bladder, with or without coexisting papillary Ta/T1 NMIBC tumors, all of which must be completely resected prior to study entry, who experienced an occurrence or recurrence of CIS, while on an adequate BCG regimen.
Low Testosterone
Compare the effect of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) and matching placebo on major adverse cardiovascular events and efficacy response in hypogonadal men of 45 to 80 years of age. Serum Testosterone must be below 300 and pre-existing cardio-vascular disease.
Looking for options for Prostate Cancer?
You may be eligible for a clinical trial studying a new investigational drug option. This clinic will be conducting a clinical trial on a new investigational drug for prostate cancer. For this trial we are looking for males who have been treated for or who have had surgery for prostate cancer and the cancer has metastasized. Ask the doctor if you’re eligible to participate in this trial. Your participation will bring scientists closer to finding new treatments and cures.
Looking for an imaging trial for newly diagnosed Prostate Cancer?
The purpose of this study is to assess the performance of a new Imaging Scan for detecting nodal and metastatic disease in patients with newly diagnosed Prostate Cancer eligible for standard local therapy, who have elected to undergo Radical Prostatectomy with regional PLND. Accurate staging of newly diagnosed Prostate Cancer assists in directing appropriate treatment strategies. In patients with unfavorable intermediate, high or very high risk Prostate Cancer, the primary goal of imaging is to detect extraprostatic disease. The identification of metastatic disease may significantly change the planned treatment regimen from locoregional to systemic therapy.
Looking for an imaging trial for biochemical recurrence Prostate Cancer?
This study is designed to evaluate the safety and diagnostic performance of a positron emission tomography (PET) ligand for imaging in men with suspected biochemical recurrence (BCR) of prostate cancer based on elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA) following prior therapy. Patients with a diagnosis of BCR of Prostate Cancer being worked up for re-staging and eligible for potential salvage treatment will be consented and enrolled. This PET scans may provide further clinical information regarding the patient’s disease status that may not have been appreciated by routine clinical testing.
Looking for a new test that will provide prospective information on the management of Prostate Cancer?
The Nucleus Detect assay is a commercially available test intended for metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) patients who have received and have disease progression after at least one line of an AR-targeted therapy. This test is the first and only nuclear-localized AR-V7 test that can help inform treatment decisions by identifying mCRPC patients who are resistant to AR-targeted therapies. This provides personalized information that may improve physician and patient shared decision making and influence treatment decision-making. This is an observational study.